Legal aspects & privacy
2022: How to tackle the GDPR monster (May 11, SURF Research Week)
Presentation, SURF Drive for additional information
2021: Brain MRI data sharing guide
By Dorien Huijser at al., Interactive online tool and Github back ground information (Zenodo)
2020: Legal background eConsent (Taskgroup)
- Legal aspects of digital consent (in Dutch)
- Recommendations digital consent

Reference documents (older than 2020)
- What is privacy (reference card)
- Why privacy (reference card)
- How to treat personal data in research (reference card)
- Informed consent form (with guides)
- Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) map and background information (SURF Drive)
- Flowchart reuse of healthcare dossiers (in Dutch)
- What to think of anonymisation (reference card)
- Risk management in anonymisation (guide)
- Nine basic steps pseudonymisation (reference card)
- Recommendations for pseudonymisation (task group report)
- GDPR maturity model
- Privacy training
Training privacy
- Surf privacy in research online training