Task groups
Task groups are the core of the LCRDM network activities to collaboratively work on challenges in data and software management.
A task group is a group of the LCRDM pool of experts that works on a solution, advice or analysis which addresses a challenge in data or software management. Ideas for task groups originate from the pool of experts themselves, usually challenges met in the daily work of the expert. And also usually the results of the task group benefits from a national approach. Task groups are ideally supervised by a process supervisor or consultant.

Propose a task group through a pitch (framework for a proposal)
Pitch proposal (title):
Contact details:
- Goal (problem definition, solution-oriented approach) and delimitation of the subject.
- Why is this issue institute-transcending?
- Deliverable, output, what is the expected yield? (the “product” + rough outline)
- What kind of expertise or competencies are necessary to set up a task group? And how much funding is needed?
- Estimated duration (max 2 months, if reasonable) and preferred planning (desired starting date, date of completion). NB: the amount of time you devote to this subject per week can be coordinated in the task group
- What is currently known or has already been undertaken and why is this information insufficient?
Pitch your proposal
Do you have RDM questions that could benefit from a national approach?
- Email these to LCRDM coordinator Margriet Miedema margriet.miedema@surf.nl. Use the framework on this page for this.
- The advisory group then sets a pitch in the network to form a temporary task group that works out the subject in a short time.
- The results are published on this website. The guidelines and advice can be used by everyone in their own organization.