Dutch Data Prize 2024 winners announced in The Hague

The Dutch Data Prize has been awarded to the three winning datasets of this eighth edition of the prestigious award. Out of 52 nominations, three datasets excelled most in terms of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR).
The Dutch Data Prize ceremony was held in The Hague on 17 October 2024, during the FAIR-IMPACT National Roadshow. All finalists had the opportunity to present their research dataset in a 90-second pitch, after which the jury chair, dr. Claudia van Oppen, announced the winners in each of the three categories. The winners are:
- ‘Impact-Aware Robotics Database’ in the category of Natural & Engineering Sciences
- ‘Generations and Gender Survey’ in the category of Social Sciences & Humanities
- ‘Xeno-canto’ in the category of Life Sciences & Health